Sunday, August 16, 2009


Today as I was driving along I saw a car with a "DARWIN" symbol and this bumper sticker on the back.


I wanted to tell the driver how flawed that logic was. I wanted to say the
only thing that makes you a Christian is a relationship with Jesus Christ... and I DID say those things. Of course I was alone in my car and the driver had no idea I was speaking to him or her.

Maybe that driver has never heard the Good News....
Maybe that driver has heard the Good News in a bad way....
Maybe some "human" messed up in telling the driver about Jesus, showing condemnation and judgment rather than love....
Maybe the driver knows ME and saw me acting in an Unchristian way...

Todd's current sermon series is called ALL IN THE FAMILY . We are looking at ways to make people feel like they belong to our body of believers.... that even if they are "new" to our church, they are part of us, an important part.
The premise of this sermon series is that INDIVIDUALS HAVE THE NEED TO BE ACCEPTED, VALUED, AND INCLUDED.

Am I living a life that reflects my relationship with Jesus? Are You?

Last night I (?) picked my memory verse for Aug. 15th. Today, I see how perfect that verse is for leading people to want what we Christians have. (And it is not a church building.......)

For God, who said, "Let there be light in the darkness," has made this light shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ. 2 Corinthians 4:6 (NLT)


Laura said...

I'm the 1st to make a comment!
Thanks for being your open self. May the words of my mouth and the mediation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, OH GOD MY father. This is my desire.
Love ya!
Good post, Linda.

Kim in NC said...

Amen, Linda!

I was just telling the girls in chat last night that Kirsten went to SS for the first time at the new church and the teacher never said one word to her. No intro, no welcome, nothing! Yea, thats gonna make a 13 year old wanna go back! The only ppl she talked to was a boy she knew from school and his older brother.

Maybe I could have this teacher come listen to Todd!

Love ya'

Anonymous said...

because it is a car it goes to a garage. because we are christians we go to church.

you know Linda, i put a plastic fish on the card this year. could never do it because of the way I act when I drive, not always, just sometimes. I did not want to turn someone away from the lord because i messed up. so i never had the fish.

our friend charlie finally convinced me that the fish was not a sign to others but a reminder to me as to what I claim to be. it would actually help me to change into the person God wanted.

so, fish on the car, not to show anyone else one single thing but only as a reminder to me each and everytime i get in the car.

strange thing, I have changed because of it. without the reminder I could do anything and just me and God had to deal with it. With it, I am trying to live up to the standards I profess to have. Odd or God?

So....we go to church because we are christians. we need the support of other good christians to keep true to what we profess. Just like a car goes to the garage to continue to run like it was intended, we go to church to help us live out that life that God intended.

When we find a good mechanic we share him with others. When we find a good church we should share and welcome all others to discover the good that we have found.

funny that the bumper sticker has given us a reason to think just how wonderful church is. if they knew they may take it off!
