Thursday, October 16, 2008


Today is an anniversary of a different kind. It is the anniversary of my husband's birth. (I know it is really his BIRTHDAY but I have a theme going here). Ernie was born in Lexington Ky. 57 years ago today. His parents already had three girls when Ernie was born so I imagine they were excited to have a BOY. One younger sister completed the Peel household.

Being surrounded with women had its good points and its bad. One memory that Ernie has is when his family drove to Florida for a vacation. This was in the days before air conditioned cars. Ernie and three of his sisters were in the back seat and another sister was in the front seat with his parents. Because the girls did not want the wind to mess up their hair, they drove with the windows rolled up! This is summer!! On the way to Florida!!! This would be one of the BAD points!!!!!

One of the good points about being surrounded by women was that it made my wonderful husband feel very comfortable sharing his feelings. This is often not typical of men. I am grateful for the feminine influence in this aspect of Ernie's personality.

Tonight we celebrated after choir practice with a cake and fellowship. Tomorrow at 5:30 AM, his running "harem" will celebrate with a birthday run which I think will involve GLOW IN THE DARK PAINT and GLOW STICKS ( according to e mails I have received), more cake, and "Ernie Stories". Tomorrow night Brittany and I will take Ernie out to dinner. I am blessed to be married to such a wonderful man.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Kim in NC said...


October is just one big party for you isn't it??!!

Let me just say,

Happy Birthday Ernie!

(and a belated Happy Anniversary to Linda's parents!)

I would sing, but I know Linda has that taken care of!

Kimberly said...

Happy Birthday Ernie! Have fun with all of your celebration this month Linda! What a fun month time for you all!

Love ya,